@clacke @darius thanks for the answer. I’ve been following Darius’s work on Hometown and it’s one of the most interesting examples of forks.
I like how deliberate it is, it’s a small network in the world where small is the norm, small squared. Ultra small.
but that virtue is also a limitation, when thinking about impact on the Fediverse. The way I see it, a healthy Fediverse should be diverse, and that means that there’s a variety of clients that have at least a fair chunk of the “non-market share”. Today’s that’s not the case, and I don’t think hometown is meant to do that.
I honestly feel, while having all the respect for Mastodon and its creator, that Fediverse – despite all the talk about decentralisation – is quite a centralized network, at this point. Which like all the centralized networks in the past, awaits its challenge from some actor able to grab a significant share, and reshape the space. Think Mozilla / Firefox.