You cannot call yourself a christian business owner, if you do not pay your workers enough to allow for a spouse to remain at home to raise and teach the kids.
No ifs, ands, or buts.
The reason this transtrender bullshit is has become so god damned prevalent among the youth, is because they have no guidance at home, and groomers at school who are more than willing to take advantage of that to push their agendas.
But if both parents are too tired, overworked, and exhausted to tend to their kids, then more generations will continue to be lost to this and worse social contagions.
You have no clue how bad it’s going to get. With the technology at our disposal, we can unleash hell upon ourselves for no good reason whatsoever.
And parents need to seriously consider what they are doing with their lives and their children. Because at this point, everything is at stake now.
I’m not just talking school reform. I’m talking work reform. We have the technology to communicate, we have the access to the information needed to set up negotiations. All that needs to happen is the parents need to summon up the will to put both to use.