@evelyn@misskey.bubbletea.dev hi, let me jump through some purity test hoops for you, oh anonymous critic!
1. Free events suck for organizers. People sign up and don’t come.
Is $40 too steep? Ask for a scholarship. There’s literally nothing exclusive about our event.
2. We aren’t getting paid, although getting reimbursed for time spent IS NOT A SIN.
Louder for the people in the back:
Especially if you’re a professional event producer like me. I could use the money, but I wanted to do this because I think unconferences are the right tool for this kind of dweb thing.
3. We will take whatever money leftover from expenses and put that towards an in person event which has serious costs. In person is better for collab, worse for travel.
4. If you don’t get corporate sponsors you can’t serve lunch. That’s how events work.
5. I think it’s hilarious that you think my co organizers are evil incarnate. I hope someone decides what your motives are in a similar manner.
/end trans