I now have basic struct types working. The qualified type logic was extended to support them and overloaded function generation was extended to deal with structs as arguments. I also added function signatures for a number of built-in GLSL functions. I can once again compile the simple vertex shader I use for 2d sprites:
((in vec2 position)
(in vec2 texcoords)
(out vec2 frag-tex)
(uniform mat4 mvp))
(vertex:position (* mvp
(vec4 (-> position x)
(-> position y)
0.0 1.0)))
(frag-tex texcoords)))
GLSL output:
in vec2 V0;
in vec2 V1;
out vec2 V2;
uniform mat4 V3;
void main() {
float V4 = V0.x;
float V5 = V0.y;
float V6 = 0.0;
float V7 = 1.0;
vec4 V8 = vec4(V4, V5, V6, V7);
vec4 V9 = V3 * V8;
gl_Position = V9;
V2 = V1;