Okay now I can emit GLSL for functions with multiple signatures!
Contrived input program:
(let* ((f (lambda (x y) (+ x y)))
(z (f 1.0 2.0)))
(f 3 4))
'z' is a useless binding that just demonstrates that 'f' can be called with floats and ints. good thing I don't do dead code elimination yet.
GLSL output:
void V2(in int V0, in int V1, out int V4) {
int V5 = V0 + V1;
V4 = V5;
void V2(in float V0, in float V1, out float V6) {
float V7 = V0 + V1;
V6 = V7;
void main() {
float V8 = 1.0;
float V9 = 2.0;
float V10;
V2(V8, V9, V10);
float V3 = V10;
int V11 = 3;
int V12 = 4;
int V13;
V2(V11, V12, V13);
int V14 = V13;