"Oh, but it's a source of inspiration!"
So, you've never been to a writers' workshop, spent 30 minutes with the staff on the school literary magazine, seen the original "You're the man now, dog!" scene, or had any other exposure to the thousand and one gimmicks invented over the centuries to get people to put one word after another.
"It provides examples for teaching the art of critique!"
Why not teach with examples, just hear me out here, by actual humans?
"Students can learn to write by rewriting the output!"
Am I the only one who finds passing off an edit of an unattributable mishmash as one's own work to be, well, flagrantly unethical?
"You're just yelling at a cloud! What's next, calling for us to reject modernity and embrace tradition?"
I'd rather we built our future using the best parts of our present rather than the worst.