I'm going to be upgrading a Dell Precision T5400 to dual processors, getting a total of 8 cores on a "Core 2 Duo" era machines. LGA771/775
The processors I'll start out with for this build will be two Intel Xeon E5420 CPUs, quad core at 2.50GHz. I may upgrade to Xeons with faster clock speeds later, but these should be fine for now.
For memory, I currently have 1GB PC2 ECC memory modules, so I will be using those for a total of 8GB. Hope to upgrade to 16 or 32GB in the near future.
I'll be removing the nVidia graphics card that came with the workstation and replacing it with a AMD Radeon HD 8490 1gb Video Card for now. I plan on replacing it with an AMD FirePro W5100 with 4GB memory soon.