I’ve spent most of my adult life defining what I am not. Now I’m at the point where I need to define who and what I am. That doesn’t mean that definition is going to be fixed in stone. I mean, shit, I’m _trans_. If that isn’t proof enough that aspects of myself I thought were set in stone can be changed, I don’t know what is.
For years I believed that if I crossed off all the possibilities that were wrong, I’d eventually land on what is right. It’s clear that approach isn’t working… It does narrow down the possibilities, but I think I also need to consider revisiting some of the things I declined to see if I dismissed them prematurely or if I made the wrong decision.
It's a big undertaking, for sure. Even thinking about it now, I'm not sure where to begin. There's a foundation in that I know a lot more about who I am, having transitioned. I have a better sense in what I'm attracted to, what feels right, and what I believe in. That's enough to start working on a foundation.