@ERDonnachie@marty_crabneck@anneroth@Luca there's also a WORLD of difference between being open to being found for legitimate chat and sharing and being targeted due to your identify / post content for abuse / trolling. I need search a HELL of a lot less than that.
Plus why the obsession with search? This isn't twitter and doesn't need to be. Other platforms have full search & may better suit users looking for such features.
@marty_crabneck@anneroth@Luca There's a big difference between allowing your account to be visible and allowing a third-party (to whom you have not given this permission) to scrape all your posts and feed them into a full text search engine.
@ERDonnachie@anneroth@Luca Look, you cannot click "Allow your account to be discovered by strangers through recommendations, trends and other features" on your profile page and then call on others to "respect privacy". That's just insane.
@anneroth@marty_crabneck@Luca Mastodon has developed as a safe apace where people, especially minorities, can meet without their discussion being hijacked by trolls. Respect for privacy and data protection are seen as core values, and many have #norobots on their profiles.
So for many, full text search is something that should be avoided as far as possible. Given a lack of T&C and privacy policies, it's also legally questionable.