i like what typescript does but god damn this is embarrassing if they implement it like that
any plans to rewrite parts of Soapbox in a still-soyslop language like Go or something or even le rust tranny language? they have amazing webshitter tools while still small. I think you'd _really_ like those, and they help performance autists like me.
@ne We will almost certainly replace Webpack in the future, but the alternatives aren’t viable for Soapbox yet because we rely on Webpack heavily to do some quirky stuff.
@ne Am familiar with Vite. Currently rebuilding soapbox.pub in Next.js so I can learn it, then the long term plan is to use it for Soapbox itself, including its new Turbopack thingy: https://vercel.com/blog/turbopack
@alex webpack is the most popular because its shitty branding attracts people and everyone tells you to use it, i totally get why you used it, i used it too because its all i heard about.
in reality you dig deep and find something smaller and more for your needs. obv i could rabbit hole you but i get your situation, best you can do is chop off some of the ugly pieces.
(pleromaFE uses webpack too, i hate it)
please peep vite, it actually looks good :hapyKonata:
@alex i wish u luck, and i wish u luck to make frontend more lightweight too, treebird will peak here :marseywink: but it has diff goals, and pleromaFE is a lost hope, dont pleromaFE us again