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americans seem to be freezing right now, maybe they should buy more gas from russia
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@lain @franz how a berliner turns into a libertarian american is beyond me
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@yangwenli @franz easy to understand if you've been to berlin
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@yangwenli @franz that's the same for any other tax (aka theft at gunpoint)
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@lain @franz I remember being taught it was paid by the west only. Sorry for the mistake but 2% of 100k is still a lot more than the 2% of the10k the saxon earned
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@lain @franz see?
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@yangwenli @franz what does this have to do with the Soli? Everyone paid that, not just the old states.
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@lain @franz berliners arent east germans
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@yangwenli @franz the tax is paid by both east and west germans
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@franz east germany "recovered" without US aid but after we annexed them the gov still introduced a tax for "west germans" to rebuild them. A tax only recently deemed unnecessary. So they technically had rebuilding to do until the late 2010s.
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@yangwenli that’s something I’ve tried explaining to a boomer once at my old job. Germany never really had the chance to properly recover after the war like japan and even their recovery meant having Americans involved. he was carrying on because the town I live near is a place where German immigrants like to settle down and he just couldn’t understand why such a thing exists.
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@franz americans were pumping out 10 kids and buying houses after the war while we tried rebuilding the rubble we were left with with 20 million guestworkers. Of course we are different.
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@franz introducing speed limits on the autobahn would make conservatives riot here. Like I said they are completely different from american conservatives
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@yangwenli it’s interesting.
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@franz there are no federal speed limits in germany and the only one pushing for that to change is commies here :yuishrug:
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@yangwenli I often forget that things like that are different over there.
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@franz people who think lockdowns and vaccination is a "new tyrrany" are seriously lacking in history knowledge
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@yangwenli if we’re being real here, when it comes to conservatives everything they dislike is tyranny. I was told speed limits are tyranny.
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@franz (the german monarchy had lockdowns and vaccines too)
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@franz german soldiers getting their shots during the second world war, for an example during the "other" empire
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@yangwenli you know what, I think you may be on to something. I have a cousin who’s really big into the conspiracy stuff that lives in Wels.
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@franz you cant be proud of a wild west past when you literally never had one. The next "best thing" that promises "freedom" to a german here is a fucking monarchy of all things
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@franz it depends on the person. My normie family cares a lot more about sitting at cafes and restaurants, turning liberal minded people into conspiracy theorists. Exceptions like my dad feared for their old parents and turned more authoritarian minded and pro-gov (didnt really change from a normal conservative). This whole political theory shit doesnt really matter when everyone is just being purely emotional. The gov realized that it only made certain anti-gov groups more powerful so they will just not make any restrictions anymore. Sweden never had any and they are fine. Which is funnily enough a very liberal country.
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@franz I think american conservatives being conspiracy theorists comes from german conservatism and american conservatism being very very different things. Being anti gov is a liberal thing here. Or maybe a commies thing.
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@yangwenli yeah, facebook has made things so much worse because you can just simply sign up and be inundated with political memes, doom posting and partisanship. my mom’s in that same kind of loop and you can see the weird combination of addiction and emotions over all this mess. I’m just like no, mom, it’s not like this outside. you can go outside and do whatever you gotta do and nothing will happen more often than not.
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@franz worst part of the whole corona shutdowns is normies becoming addicted to social media tbh
My brother cut ties with my father because he deems him to be a 'nazi' now. (likely influenced by his instagram """friends""""
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@yangwenli the virus made a lot of people more paranoid than necessary. people became so unbearable because of their fear of being infected that it made society worse as a whole.
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@yangwenli ah, I’m so used to the pro-ukraine people here it’s unreal. I’m sick of all of it at this point.
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@franz im sick of my mom saying our politicans are trying to kill us when 10 years ago she didnt even watch the news. Propaganda is everywhere and I just hate it that the crazies got to her instead of "normal" society. She's just filled with hate now because of boomer facebook memes. Id tell her she should pray more instead of chainsmoking her feelings away but hey, im the child apparently.
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@franz im making fun of pro-russian americans with this technically. This whole Qanon stuff is everywhere in my family now and it's getting on my nerves lately. When I started talking about geopolitics suddenly the enthusiasm to discuss it with me died down. (Christmas almost turned shit but it wasnt too bad)
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@yangwenli “but the tv man says russia bad”