@nova even if we are numb at the level of consciousness, marketers are hoping to tap into unconscious brand associations, which exist and operate effectively regardless of conscious-level attitudes. This is essentially how brands like Coke work and why their marketing is never about the benefits of the product itself, but the development of unconscious associations triggering happy-circuits in the brain.
@nova I am pewtty numb to prodict marketing. Since 2017 I tell companies "I've seen your website and your whitepaper, please come by and tell us how to tackle prpblem X with your product" and nine time out if ten, I get interpretive dance renditions of the whitepaper. I think its even worse because they dont want to talk pricing until they think youre convinced you need their stuff, and its all per node/GB/Core sliced subscription models....
@nova having worked in the marketing industry for much of my career in development, I’m frostbitten. More seriously: tasteful and informative product marketing is usually a win, when the products are socially inclusive by nature or, at a minimum, are not geared towards reinforcing privelege at the expense of marginalized communities. (e.g., marketing products like Tony’s Chocaloney cp. products like Gucci)
@nova I used to work for a leading MarTech company and it always surprised me how much emphasis and finding big brands (commercial product goods) and big tech cared about surfacing ads. They have an almost creepy devotion to it. It makes me wonder if they are effective, but maybe not as effective on people like us.