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banning sex for anyone that uses proprietary software
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@fluffy All authoritarians will be using proprietary soyware, while all libertarians will be using free software.
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@fluffy Basically, those who hate freedom (including those who pretend to love it but they actually want to have full power over everything and everyone) are the authortarians, and libertarians are those who legit love freedom.
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atho...liber... what in the hell are you talking about?
you want to get laid, show us your kernel or move on out of here :senko:
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> Basically, those who hate freedom
does anyone hate freedom? at all? is there even one person? who does?
brother i think you are a spook
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@fluffy Yes, they're called authoritarians.
Or government bootlickers, or voters, or statists, or communists, or soycialists, or however you want to call it, they're all the same anyway.