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I wonder if we've lost community and culture because we have lost our small villages. Our villages look more like towns filled with houses and strangers moving around all the time. Our towns are more like small cities, few if any green spaces because it is all built up. Our cities are concrete jungles with more tower blocks because they are larger. Almost feels like we need another word to describe places like this.
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@thatguyoverthere You would think we'd be doing that, helping them where they are. In some ways, this has happened but at a global scale. As global companies have outsourced, developing countries have filled the gap that the poor and working class would have filled in the past because it is cheaper. This pushes the poor and working class of a country out of their livelihoods. We would need to change our systems to correct this system and way of doing things but I'm not sure if we can. We would have to make different lifestyle choices for that to work, at a global scale.
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Yeah I don't really understand the global push for migration (unless I'm wearing my :tinfoil:) it seems it would be better to help people become self sufficient (or stop taking their shit if we're preventing it) where they are rather than bringing them here to become dependent on our overburdened failing systems.
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@thatguyoverthere I agree, but they are always looking over the pond or the channel. Always trying to prove themselves to other country leaders or trying to push their weight around like we're an Empire. They need to stop behaving like an Empire.
I just don't get how we're expected to house so many people, in the past when this happened people ended up migrating to America or Australia. We had horrible famines and overcrowding issues.
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Yeah they should be working for you not the international community or whatever
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@thatguyoverthere Yeah. In some ways, I do wish that our government treated our island as the tiny island that it is. Rather than continue to have this exploded mindset, like we're globalists or still in the days of empire. We have less land to welcome people into now and it is a huge burden on us normal folk.
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We do similar stuff here but we have a lot more room and a lot less contiguous history.
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@thatguyoverthere Yeah. The push for more housing and the housing bubble which has priced so many of us locals out of houses hasn't helped matters. Tiny island... expected to take in millions of people. I just don't get it.
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Sad. The English country side was beautiful when I was there.
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@thatguyoverthere Yeah, or improving the infrastructure and letting the locals fill it up. On saying that, perhaps our infrastructure isn't the ideal one. In some ways, it may just be better to leave people alone like when they live in small tribes. Unless a disaster happens naturally.
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The global help efforts seem more focused on sending some care packages and debt laden aide over helping say improve the land fertility