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agentcasey wrote the following post Tue, 15 Nov 2022 01:17:21 +0100# **Banned From The Hubzill Matrix Room For My Domain Name.**
# **Banned From The Hubzill Matrix Room For My Domain Name.**
I recently visited the Matrix room this morning my time perhaps around 0900 UTC and I was only reading previous post trying to figure out what it is that I'm using. It was very informative. Then when I returned, I couldn't find the channel then I checked the logs and found this:  Who knew that it was such a big deal. Oh, well let me refrain from making contact with those snobs.
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Thank you, I'm not new to the fediverse, I have been here for a while. I am new in the sense, that I have just started my first Hubzilla hub and I just learned that Streams existed. So in that context, I am new. In the past I have had My own Mastodon instances and when I wasn't doing that, I have numerous aliases on, as many instances. I have ran Misskey, Pleroma and I've always loved Hubzilla as a platform, only I didn't read the docs until recently, and it was then that I realized that it would be possible to set up my own instance. I never realized that the documentation, did exist.
You're right about the attitudes, too. The thing is, I don't particularly want to be in their community, per se, I only went on that Matrix server to read past posts, to track the developmental issues that early adopters, faced. I was strictly on a learning endeavor. No worries though, I'll just play with the code in the repositories. I shouldn't say I'm surprised. My domain name is strictly incidental. I change them every year. In a few months, it will be something else and for me, it was a funny name that made me laugh and I didn't even think that, this domain name, that I currently am using, would, even be available.
I do appreciate your kind words though, and they will be well kept. Some people, it seems, really take their perceptions of their own self importance, way too far. Once again. Thanks for taking the time to reach out to me and I'll be always happy, to keep in touch.
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It's fine. I have a morbid sense of humor. The guy can keep his Matrix server. All I did over there, was just some reading. I'll just have to do my reading elsewhere. That shouldn't be all that hard. I'm not one for going where I'm not wanted anyway. Perhaps the next feature in Hubzilla and Streams, could be a sanctions app. This app would work by shutting down on people using the software, whom are deemed undesirable, for whatever reasons. Perhaps a self destruct app could be in the works itself. I know that would really offend me. That's the next generation of software I suspect. The, how dare you use my software app.
Embed this notice I didn't know that, partly because I never really got into games and I especially don't see the appeal for Minecraft. Thanks for the heads up. I really can't be surprised about much that happens these days. I'll just have to be more careful when upgrading programs that I've grown fond of, making sure that they don't shut me out for good.
Embed this notice I think that, you already know the answer to that question. However, I may just see, how much material I can safely pilfer from them, before the expiration date, of my current domain name. I have proven my initial point, though, people are just a little too wound up, for their own good. Some people see things that aren't really there and end up making utterances, that possibly indicate, their own stances on debated matters. The fact of the matter is, when I did get this domain name, I was already in possession of two others. When they expired, I decided that it would be a waste of resources not to use what I already, currently, have and use it for all my servers to boot. I'll just have to wear my scarlet letter for a bit longer. I'm used to being rejected, for any number of reasons and I'm quite comfortable in my own skin. So, I think, that I'm right at home really. I'm very set in my ways and I'll just, always carry on.
To know me, is to love me, is in no means, how I would be described. I'm sure that there are some of those people that exist but for the most part. I think that I thrive with conflict. However, that's mostly in the real world. Here in cyber land, I only seek knowledge. I love learning new things, especially languages, including human languages and machine ones. I recognize patterns and all of them. I don't speak much, unless spoken to and I can go days without ever saying a word to another human being or entity. It's remarkable. So, most of my output is directed through the keyboard.
Hans accused me of, and I'm paraphrasing here, of, proliferating hate speech. I vehemently, disagree. If I'm lying, the truth will bear out eventually or sooner. I like to channel whatever hateful instincts that I have, elsewhere. Whether through exercise, meditation, prayer and reflection. Hate, I think, would only hurt me and it has always been a struggle to disperse it.
I own three bicycles, two of them, in excellent working condition, the third one is in need of some loving care. I live in in New York state and I can oftentimes be seen walking, about my affairs, barefoot. I don't drink alcohol or smoke, since if I did I'd like them too much and would probably end up penniless. I'm addicted to drinking teas, hot or cold and eating lemons whole.
I'm a former paratrooper, who is actually afraid to fly commercially. Mostly because, I refuse to give validity to the transportation authorities, at airports, who seem to gleefully torment airline travelers and partially, because I'm not too fond of heights or airplanes. Therefore, I do my travelling via bicycle, rails and as a final resort, buses, especially buses which accommodate my bicycle. My closest relatives, live in Alaska and Texas, so sometimes, especially for that Alaska run, I do fly grudgingly. I realize that this isn't exactly the forum for all this, so I'll end it here. Thank you.