@janl I'm considering deleting it, and that's actually making me considering leaving this place. Instead, as part of being more comfortable with a public presence outside of my circles and how to deal with randos, I'm starting to learn that using the blockhammer is a tool for sanity
what I've learned from this thread is that there is a class of people who are both very into FOSS and very against the idea of controlled networks – it's all encrypted who cares! – but I personally will never get that, especially since, well, encryption is hard, and who knows what other side channels are left open by virtue of just dealing with rando network traffic
@janl it's cool don't worry, the thread got a lot of attention before you boosted it
I have a knack for noticing and getting caremad about things most people wouldn't even *notice*, that somehow triggers a certain type of contrarian computer toucher
this has led to standoffs and burnout in my professional work. I've tried simply *not caring* but that's fundamentally at odds with who I am