I tend to suck at self-promotion when it's about more personal pursuits, but I'm very proud of this piece of writing. If you enjoyed it, or know someone who might enjoy it, please share!
"I get to a certain point in tough hikes like this where time stretches out like a big piece of melting taffy. The end seems nowhere in sight. The climbing never ends. The negative thoughts find a tiny crack in my emotional defenses where they can climb back in and start dismantling hope from the inside.
But somehow, the endless visual feast more than compensated for the difficulty."
@sunumbral It's not just you! The sheer sight of raw nature can sometimes be so overpowering that it takes center stage in our brain cycles. Which is to say, I tend to lose common sense the higher I climb.
Because the higher your climb, the more beautiful things seem to become.
@killyourfm I love seeing the mental changes, and that weird euphoria at altitude where you have to keep reminding yourself that survival is also a thing to think about.
@p4p4j0hn Obvious reply from me, but: DO IT, John! It doesn't have to be some insanely beautiful, challenging hike either. Just go breathe some forest or beach air if you can. It makes a world of difference.
"Up to this point, I'd climbed about 1000 feet in elevation. The second half had me ascending another 1700 feet with 70 more switchbacks. And these are even steeper. If you ever wanted to know what a StairMaster workout from hell might feel like, just hike the Upper Yosemite Falls trail.
Or take the stairs all the way up to the top of the Empire State Building – three consecutive times."