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coordinated destruction of any series of targets with a political goal is terrorism; this is just a simple definition of what terrorism is.
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@GolfCartLady what's funny is that I have sat here and shit on EVs for years, so I really have no dog in this fight.
I even find it slightly funny the pickle these people have gotten themselves into with this, but I'm not going to sit here and let people try to claim terrorizing people just "expression" that's just absurd.
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>let's go terrorise anyone who drives this particular brand car because elon bad :peachcat_eyebrow:
>faces consequences for actions
>no man it wasn't terrorism I swear :soyjak_cry:
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@buttered_poasties it's the people being dishonest about the violence that I don't like.
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@sickburnbro justloki? moar like justgay, amirite?
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@buttered_poasties this guy has also called things he doesn't like terrorism. so he's just a bad faith actor
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@LudditeMan @GolfCartLady right, it's just like solar energy; I have no inherent problem with it - I just don't like it being used to force a anti-human agenda, and lowing available energy to people is anti-human, as quality of life and energy usage are directly tied.
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@GolfCartLady @sickburnbro Yeah, you can keep the Club Car.
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@GolfCartLady @sickburnbro I just hate those things because Gabbin Nuisance wants to force-mandate them here and everyone who drives one acts like a total cvnt, so personally, I wish they'd burn every last one of them up, even the ones that aren't Elon Musk's.
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What about electric golfcarts? :shyduck:
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They should find a better way to 'express themselves' that doesn't include property damage... :02shrug:
Have they considered banging on pots and pans topless in the town square? Isn't that what they do when they're mad? Or maybe gluing themselves to the road or whatever. :cringe:
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@ChadleyDudebro @LudditeMan @GolfCartLady painting them does help, unpainted they are nasty looking. painted they look .. weird. One of the US flag wrapped ones looked .. like it was a good canvas, basically.
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I have now seen a Cybertruck in every imaginable color, and painting them doesn't help.
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@yockeypuck And I can accept that as just power. It's when people try to lie about it that it's a problem.
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@sickburnbro Terrorism is when my enemies do it, when my friends do it is sparkling direct action.
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@sickburnbro Who had, "Second American Civil War kicks off with terrorists burning and vandalizing Teslas" on their Bingo card?