@art_codesmith There are no open source devs at the table when they choose to no longer publish under an open source software license. They are free to do that and we respect their decision. Please also respect our decision not to use that software any longer, if it is no longer free software.
There are many ways to monetize software. Turning free software into proprietary one is one such thing. But after that switch it is no longer free software. That's it, no need for euphemism. @phf
@phf@Codeberg Again, the whole situation was created due to Amazon abusing the open source for its own personal profit. And what this "discussion" (usually consisting of publicly moving away from Redis, Elasticsearch, etc) achieves is that open source devs will be discouraged to restrict software giants to plunder from their labor.
@art_codesmith What are you even on about? Being picky about licensing has nothing to do with "Amazon's playbook" on anything. If I replace Snickers with Double Decker I am also not following the "Cadbury playbook" but I am choosing a different chocolate bar because I don't like the old one anymore. Sheesh. @Codeberg
@Codeberg I feel like this is a very skin-deep look at the situation, given that Redis's licensing changes were directly caused by abuse from companies like Amazon. You do you I guess, but isn't it weird when your mission basically directly plays into Amazon's playbook?
@art_codesmith 1. It is not free software and breaks the mission of Codeberg. We promise to only run free/libre software and not business code crippleware. 2. It is unlikely that newer versions of Redis will be available in Debian GNU/Linux due to the changed software license, so we might need to migrate anyway sooner or later.
@mokazemi Redict is probably more "traditional", less features but it does the job we need it for (being a key-value-cache). Valkey is probably more modern and has more active development, but nothing that seems to matter to us. Redict is developed at Codeberg, where Valkey has been created on GitHub, that is part of the motivation for us. It allows contributions by people who use free software, whereas valkey contributors are required to use proprietary software.