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@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @tyler @zeke @Turkleton yea i get that feeling of anger and resentment and it eats me up sometimes, but i know i'd be better off not worrying about it. i'd like to get a home so i can turn it into a homestead that's all i wanna do in life atm
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That's what I think they'll do 😏 they sold their last house and had this one built on the property with the money to retire on. I'm thinking it's their pre retirement before their final retirement somewhere else and leave me with absolutely nothing. This is family property that goes back to like the 30s I believe. And leave it up to some boomers to sell it outside of the family to further pad their own retirement when they're each getting a decent pension that they could afford to live in a retirement community and leave this place to me. But they won't because they'll decide I don't deserve it for not having bootstraps'd for it and sell it to some Mexicans with a briefcase full of cash that the government gave them for free. "They're Mexican, hard workers. They'll probably work this farm better than you would. Go get your own".
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For them maybe 😏 I doubt I'll inherit it
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@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @tyler @zeke @Turkleton well prolly will be sold off to pay for their retirement they'll get into one of those assisted living places that basically takes all your money and oyu just live there till you die.
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This is the property I'm staying on now 😏
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Damn dude. That's a blessing right there.
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I'm from both these areas 😏
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@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @tyler @zeke @Turkleton i'm from here
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ah yes right next to the pedophile colony
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Getting too old for landscaping 😏 that used to be one of my specialties back in the day because I have a flare for yard design
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Me and my brother did a yard business years ago. Strictly cut and trim. We made pretty good money, but the brutal Texas summers sent us in search of indoor work after a couple of years. If you can hack the heat and mow 15-20 lawns a day though, you'd be surprised how much money you can make.
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@zeke @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @reallyangry Damn straight. My friend has a landscaping business in the gig harbor area and he has super rich clients that pay him really well. And they like make him charcuterie trays and shit haah
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@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @zeke @Turkleton i'm also at my parents and i think i'm actually fucked too, but things get a little better all the time surprisingly a house actually feels almost in reach lately compared to when i first got here thinking "i'm fucked, i'm doomed, i'm gonna be in this cuck cabin for the rest of my life (hopefully short) and that'll be that"
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I think I'm only being given a short amount of time here and have no way of getting a job because nobody will give me a ride 😏 if my mom was still married to my real dad it would probably be different. But since it's just them trying to have a relationship I'm just an in the way inconvenience instead of a son. Always been that way since they got together. Broken ass family
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@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @reallyangry @zeke I can see if I know anyone who is hiring for stuff. Depending on what part of Washington I know some dudes that usually hire non Mexican landscapers.
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@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @zeke Yaay dude I'm glad you are out of there too dawg
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I still ain't out of the water yet 😏 who knows how my situation will turn out here at my folks. I may be royally fucked in the near future
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Most likely was a nigger, so...
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Could have been anyone really 😏 there's been a lot of random acts of extreme violence in King county committed by brown and black cretins over the last 20 years. Shit like a guy was sitting on a bus minding his own business and some nigger shoots him in the back of the head, relatively recently a nigger stabbed a bus driver to death and tossed him off the bus onto the sidewalk, another guy on a bus was randomly stabbed several times by some beaner, the nigger on 12th and Jackson couple months ago was walking around stabbing people at random, like 18 people got stabbed before anything was done about it. It happens all the time. You could just be chilling and minding your business and next thing you know you got some crazy nigger plunging his knife into you repeatedly. So glad to be out of there
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I remember seeing a bloody handprint on the side of a building downtown Seattle like that once 😏 I assume someone got shot or stabbed the night before and they were walking along the sidewalk holding their bloody stomach or whatever and stopped to take a rest with their hand against the wall as they were bleeding out waiting for help that might not have showed up and then died in a piss covered doorway with their face on some used toilet paper
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Diarrhea drinkers are just lower caste jews who aren't afraid to get their hands and mouths poopy 😏 all they do is run scams. Thing is, I don't find them clever enough to even come up with these scams on their own. I believe they're all being coached by jews who are making it extremely easy for them to get rich quick.