New: I spoke to a person whose name, address, etc is included on the site doxing Tesla owners. Confirmed they owned a Tesla, said bought in 2013 (before knowing what Musk would become). Said very worried about being doxed because lived through GamerGate
@Infoseepage@josephcox So every Tesla owner should take their car and push it off a cliff? That's not even remotely realistic. Most people don't have the resources to just throw away a working car and buy a new one.
Sure, but ongoing maintenance is a shitload less than taking a hit on an expensive car, selling it at a fat loss, and having to spend time and effort to buy another one.
I bet a lot of people were buying these cars for the right reasons. I know I wanted one when the Model S first came out - it was the first decent looking EV (can't afford one though). All the others looked shit and for 1.5 people max.
Why blame the people that probably spent their hard-earned cash on what could have been a sensible purchase?
I'm sure you think people who bought Tesla solar inverters and batteries should also rip those out and just go back to nonrenewables if they can't afford replacements from Enphase, right?