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big if true
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@Simpadoo it makes me sad, because I love nature and by letting them own it for so long, the damage they've done is immense.
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@sickburnbro it is very likely extremely close to the truth. I opine that based on many interactions with environmentalists and environmental agencies.
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@Simpadoo I think we're going to see a split of teams as multi-polarity resumes. This will ultimately be good.
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@sickburnbro They’re ideologues, first and foremost. Environmental concern is another guise, for their anti-human agenda.
JP II, another post-Vatican II apostate, also started drinking the environmental Kool-Aid and tried to foist it on the faithful. Bergoglio just took it to its natural conclusion: Cripple the Rich countries and give the Poor countries a pass. It’s their boomer perverted take on “justice”: everybody must get fucked.
A good example of this is the California forest fire issue: they know what to do to prevent it but “environmentalists” use every jew form of pilpul to stop these solutions from being implemented. They prefer that nature burns rather than give in to any measure of civilizational advance .
Maybe Team B will step in and reign in these kooks if for anything, to recover what’s left of California.
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@Ariovistus @sickburnbro Neoliberalism solves the problem faced by the elite to control and channel the will to power of the strivers to while stamping down on the deplorables who are the base of the system.
The solution was elegant..give the strivers the power to police and humiliate the deplorables.
The strivers get the illusion of power and the deplorables are kept thoroughly underfoot. Problem solved.
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@AlbinoMutant @Ariovistus this is the same dynamic that was present in the French Revolution
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@sickburnbro >communist revolution
Boomerbait. Communism is dead. Neoliberalism has emerged as a better system of control.