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While I am touching a phone on purpose, this billboard, which I saw shortly after eating the burger, does look like an appropriately Texan billboard to see.
- pwm likes this.
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@p $40 to rent the gun, but $3 a round. and Lord knows you're not putting outside ammo through their baby
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> but $3 a round.
Dear god, I was thinking it was probably like $0.50/round. $3 is obscene.
I refuse to look it up, because I know the answer will be horrifying, but I wonder if ammo in the US is currently mostly imported from a country that we have declared "adversarial" instead of being manufactured domestically.
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@p @Paultron new old stock, at least for milsurp anyway
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@p from what I know, no. I liked buying russian ammo, especially the Golden Tiger brand, but that got banned in the obama years. Chinese ammo has been gone since like Bush I.
my favorite stuff for practice is south korean. cheap, a little underpowered, reliable, smells like chinese fireworks. most ranges i've seen buy overpriced stuff like American Eagle and turn around and sell it at a 5x markup