@quinn There's an episode of Max Headroom that takes place during the Sky Clearance Festival, a regular holiday where the TV networks de-orbit their old satellites and people party in the streets under special umbrellas to protect them from the shower of debris.
When I was a kid, that seemed like an impossible future. When I was a young adult, that seemed like the dumbest idea I'd ever heard. Now, I fully expect the first one next year.
Of all the futures, we live in Max Headroom and Robocop.
@Steveg58@quinn I haven't seen Judge Dredd in years, but I remember the point of the original RoboCop was the privatization of the police, so that's why I reach for that one.
@roadriverrail@quinn The difference in my mind is that Robocop is for the people first whereas Judge Dredd is for the law and is enforcer, judge, jury and executioner all wrapped up in a single rogue package.
@Steveg58@quinn Fair point for the franchise overall. I was really only thinking of the first Robocop film, where Murphy is not really *for* anything and is largely a victim of OCP's greed and corruption simply trying to figure out who and what he is.