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We're all renters 😏 ever since the country was handed over to jewish oligarchs we've just become customers and wage slaves of their country. This isn't our homeland anymore which is why they're free to replace us with slave labor rather than just shipping all of our manufacturing over to countries where slave labor is legal. Isn't that annoying? They send all our manufacturing over seas to "keep prices down" and left us with a service gig economy, and then started importing millions of shitholers so that we have to compete with them for whatever is left for employment, meanwhile they get handed a middle class lifestyle just for showing up while they continue edging us out of the middle class and into the impoverished 2nd class. Lotta thanks we get for rescuing them from evil mustache man amirite?
- You Get Glee likes this.
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The point of owning is so you do not have to listen to a landwhale hack her brains out every day, and listen to car systems blast spic and nigger music.