The comfy feature I'd like but has security implications would be link previews. There's a bot you can add to a group chat which will produce the "quick view" or whatever of a page which is a static HTML snapshot but traditional link previews are nicer as it's rendered as part of the original message.
Besides the security implications of it there's also the uphill battle of sites breaking link previews because of AI scraping concerns so they whitelist iMessage/WhatsApp/Telegram access which screws everyone else over. I see it with Pleroma sometimes -- links won't get a preview because they 403/404 or just don't include the meta tags
@devSJR WebXDC being fully p2p in nature has its limitations here. I might have a gig network connection but you only have 3mbit, or the peering between us is throttled. So now I have to wait for you to receive all the data before I can disconnect. This is in stark contrast to storing the file (encrypted) on a webserver somewhere and having you pull it from there (like WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram), possibly at a faster speed than we'd ever get directly between us
I'm intrested in doing more test with this though, so if you want to try you can find my Delta link in my bio
@feld both topics remain under discussion FWIW, and have some prospective implementation path. Large files could be transferred via @n0iroh which is already integrated but this is only provides for the start of a discussion that we typically don't entertain in public but in our nested maze of chat groups and in real-life gatherings ... as to link-previews, it's likely we generat them on the sender-side so there shouldn't be rate-limits or privacy issues (as opposed to a bot solution).
@treefit@devSJR agreed but the operational complexity of adding these optional services on the side *and* making them appear transparently integrated into DeltaChat is too much to ask IMO.
Maybe if I send it to a bot, the bot stores it on its webserver, and then the bot sends the target user the file somehow would be reaonable but I cant see the UI/UX here being clean at all.
I don't see a clear path forward at the moment. It will have to stay out of scope for now. If we all had really fast networks and low latency a lot of problems go away because we can just p2p everything
@feld@devSJR there were ideas to support uploading to some kind of file server from dc directly. would not be that complex, maybe like video chat links you could add a fileserver instance.
I personally think chatmail shouldn't offer free file hosting. Storing large files is expensive and anonymous large file uploads could be attractive for criminals.
So should be bring your own fileserver/nextcloud whatever or buy storage.
@feld I have a concept for link previews without the security issues of capturing ip addresses: basically make the sender fetch and send the link thumbnail and info
@feld@devSJR well once you add the file storage provider in the settings then you can send larger files, like it could ask you when you attach a file that is bigger than 10mb.
A email hosted could also bring out a paid whitelabled version of delta chat that has a fileserver pre-set.
You could also share those presets (server address and your credentials) over qr code or special link with your friends.