Got to go work out, got to get ready for the summer, look how skinny I am! I'm going to be sooooo skinny and it's going to be sooooo good. Over the weekend I ate a sandwich and I was so bad!!! but now I'm going to be so good and so skinny instead of fat and nasty, omg my body looks so bloated but don't worry it's going to be gone soon! I'm so sorry I ate some food and was wrong but I'm going to be so correct and work so hard so I can be so good. Wow, look at my progress, I was so fat and now I'm so much skinnier. I'm so much better now. I just have to keep it up so I can keep being good and not bad. Oh, a piece of pizza???? OMG that's sooooo bad now I have to really burn. I've got to burn it all up all the calories all the fat all the flab it all has to go so I can be good and not bad. I am a hard worker and I deserve goodness! I'm not lazy (omg I'm sooooo lazy and fat but not now 😊) now I'm better and thank goodness. I was almost bad. PHEW. And now SALAD