@TornadoOfTerror @IAMAL_PHARIUS The whole thing is a bum deal for everyone, it's a fig leaf to hide the fact it would have americans stay there in some quantity just to get the industry going
They can't jumpstart the industry alone, and they aren't trustworthy enough to run it on their own, so it's all a backdoor scheme to have american companies serve as hostages-cum-tripwires. Mining company employees would be on the chopping block in a russian attack, which deters future actions. Maybe, hence the desire for a codified guarantee that the US would have blood staked there to trigger a GWOT 2 where the US demolishes israel's- uh Khazaria's enemies instead of shuttling everyone back home the second they attack
And all this is pretending ukraine even HAS minerals worth this much hassle. I think it's bunk, the nation was a premier agricultural spot all this time, and now they want to pivot to a totally different industry? Just how polluted is everything going to be post-war?