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As I see it, and the picture becomes increasingly clearer due to recent developments: the entity that is responsible for Biden, for the EU, for Covid, for mass immigration, for the anti-Christian agenda, and, and, and, is not a political party, not a certain faction, not journalists, not the US government, not NGOs, not Hollywood; those are all instruments of that certain entity that can be occupied by it, used by it.
The entity that is emerging as the true culprit responsible for the intentional destruction of the West, and the enslavement of its people, for provoking Russia into war, must be found as the power behind the UK government, behind the unelected EU commission, and behind several of pro-war European governments (like Germany). My personal suspicion is international finance, with the main culprits sitting in the 'City of London.'
The City of London surely has Jewish owners, but rather than painting this as an exclusively Jewish plan to enslave the goyim, I see it as a cooperation between those who call themselves Jews, but are not, but the Synagogue of Satan, and those who have sided with them, primarily Freemasons. In this sense, they pursue the agenda of the Antichrist, the spread of his kingdom, and the arrival of his actual person, who will be a Jew.
- ✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware: likes this.
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@irie You are on the right path, the true realization is that "jews" are actually fake jews to provide cover for these British bankers.
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@irie "British bankers" are the only conferred people at this point who are may be behind this. But yes the reality is there is no way to really figure out who is the true group of people behind this.
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@dcc I mean the lines are blurry at this point. Someone recently wrote one of the great changes that occurred during the medieval period was that Satanists morphed into Jews. And we know that those Jews later intermarried heavily with nobility. Thus the question of who is and isn't a Jew becomes almost a game of chasing shadows, as they are, as the Bible foretold, not Jews, but the Synagogue of Satan. I would be careful to label them "British bankers" though, as that too can be misleading, as we are not dealing with Brits, or Germans, but with something like a cabal whose main power derives from the financial system, with a satanic ideology.
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@dcc There are theories of Black Nobility (bankers) intermarrying with Khazarian bankers as they set up shop in the City of London, and they are worth researching to see how much value they hold. One thing though, for me at least, becomes increasingly clear, that reducing everything to Jews and the Jewish religion (which is indeed diabolical) cannot root out the true epicenter of this dark power. The history of the Khazars is worth exploring, as is the history of the Sabbateans. What unites all these groups, or factions, is their repeated association with satanic aspects, usury, banking, and crime.