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I'm not promoting to incite new wars, as I see it this is the best way to prevent new wars, it definitely worked during the Cold War, Europe really regarded the US 🇺🇸 as a friend, but now that powerful ''friend'' is saying ''we aren't actually friends, and to be quite frank you've been a burden to me this whole time, and not only that, you're also kinda retarded and a danger to yourself, us and everyone else on this planet'', thus instead of having ''friends'' on the Western side Europe is now sort of surrounded by two ''superpowers'' who're now both officially stating that Europe is a danger to themselves and everyone else, meanwhile Europe is also dealing with potentially or actually hostile Arabs, Turks and Israeli's on the Southern side, yet Europe's nuclear arsenal is quite small because everyone was under the impression that the US 🇺🇸 was a ''friend'', this is an existential problem, and I've seen this episode before and Europe must make sure that it's not going to happen again :hitlerlockedin: