I hope we all understand that Trump was allowed to take power because (among other promises) he clearly promised Bibi that he would enact the final solution on Gaza.
Like, you don't get Trump as president without this slavish dedication to Israel's every desire. I have no doubt that Trump would love to tear everything there down and develop it as a gaudy real estate property with his name on it. Whether or not he manages to complete the ethnic cleansing, we'll see, but that's why he's in power.
Unrelenting, unrepentant Zionism is what people voted for with Trump.
@grey@griffith not only democrats didn't press the I WIN button that button was given to trump this time , trump people commited fraud this time hence why he doesn't mention the 2020 election fraud anymore and got 2 million popular votes , people are missing this detail
@TornadoOfTerror@griffith The Democrat's fraud machine gave the corpse from Weekend at Bernies 20 Million more votes than Obama got in his prime in 2012.
Whatever fraud the Republicans ran was nowhere near the level of fraud the Democrats could have. You can't just tell a bunch of nigger DMV sheboons to start printing Trump votes instead of Kamala ones, the machine is people, not an actual machine.
The reality is that Trump won 2020 but wasn't allowed to take power because of the fake votes and the Jewish media doing a Big Lie about it. All that had to happen in 2024 was to just turn that machine off and Trump won.
@grey@griffith the election was rigged in favour for trump , imagine believing that trump won the popular vote with 2 million with current US demographics
@TornadoOfTerror@griffith Of course it's rigged. The Democratic machine have a massive election fraud vote printing machine which they built in 2020 and also used in 2022, and were told to turn it off in 2024. If you have an I WIN button and don't press it, then you are responsible for losing. The entire election system in the US is fraudulent. Bibi wanted Trump in power (because Trump clearly promised him the final solution), and he got what he wanted. Same reason why Trump handed over control of the entire US bureaucracy to a pack of Yarvinists, because he clearly promised anything to Musk he wanted if he would help him get back in power.