>Inb4 "Erm, akshully you Christcuck, the word is probably from some pagan root in German." No, the Anglo-Saxons took it from old and Christianized Germanic tribes and kingdoms, who themselves took it from the Greek Κυριακόν δομα (kyriakon doma) "house of the Lord", κύριος (kyrios) being another name for Jesus Christ. https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=church
@SuperSnekFriend I think it's more funny how his name is Christian.
But also, the style is totally wrong. This guy is just another larper who is an edgy atheist. Being an atheist isn't upsetting anymore, and so now they do crap like this.
I don't believe any pagans went to houses of worship ever. They didn't think that Zeus or Odin cared about stuff like that, unless you were super important (like a king or lord of a great city). There was a hierarchy. Big gods cared about big things, like nations, heroes, kings, cities, and lesser gods care about lesser things. So if you were concerned about your spirituality, you'd appeal to a lesser god.
Pagans seemed to generally believe in lots of spirits, probably closest to how Christians view angels today. These spirits or "lesser gods" are what took personal interest in you or your family. You had a family or even you had a god (in the roman religion called this a genius) and you'd have spirits in nature and in the world around you that would inspire or motivate, and those you would honor personally. If you had questions, or were in need of direction from a higher power, you would directly appeal to larger gods through a medium, usually some sort of "priest", "priestess", seers, oracles, (I believe the term Pontifex originates with the "head" of the roman religion). But also, a lot of these upper positions were more... symbolic than representing anything serious spiritually. I don't know how often the average person interacted with them.
This is my problem with pagan revival, there was an entire culture and behavior based around paganism that's missing today, it wasn't just worshiping a god on Sunday, so doing "church + Perune" isn't anything but a mental illness.