It looks like the WINNING has been postponed even further.
This pairs well with his anti-2A stances and actions, in addition to him wanting to give LEOs an added blanket of Qualified Immunity.
It looks like the WINNING has been postponed even further.
This pairs well with his anti-2A stances and actions, in addition to him wanting to give LEOs an added blanket of Qualified Immunity.
@ZeroSum06 link? source?
Why would he do that?
Open a tab and ask your interwebs
It's easy for someone to say they're surprised but anyone that's been following how Whitney Webb meticulously unravels all the interlocking interests to a tee is not surprised.
We are likely seeing the implementation of the Technocracy. I agree it is very concerning.
Some would say that's what authoritarians do. Some would say wE nEeD tO bAcK dEh bLuE. Some would say this lays the foundation for the police state. Seeing he packed the cabinet with the so-called swamp and Palantir one can reasonably deduct it's not for the good of the common folk.
I figured it out without her help.
@ZeroSum06 I don't care for this.
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