@Yukari_Kajiwara Wait, wut, how can pagans even pretend to have a so-called "church." That's not even LARPer level paganism pretending to be accurate. That's entirely bullshit. A joke. Like "Satanism."
@charliebrownau@Yukari_Kajiwara My guy, the Tartarian thing never existed. It's a joke Psy-Op for illiterate crackheads incapable of understanding even the process of legitimate historical research. Just like the Flat Urfers. The Tartarian nonsense is probably even a direct derivative or offshoot of that hokum.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Episcopal_Church_(United_States) The church was organized after the American Revolution, when it separated from the Church of England, whose clergy are required to swear allegiance to the British monarch as Supreme Governor of the Church of England.
So instead of the ((( Romain Church))) its cucked to the ((( ROYALS )))
No thanks
" Since the 1960s and 1970s, the church has pursued a more liberal Christian course "
" In 2015, the church's 78th triennial General Convention passed resolutions allowing the blessing of same-sex marriages and approved two official liturgies to bless such unions.[22] It has opposed the death penalty and supported the civil rights movement. The church calls for the full legal equality of LGBT people "
@charliebrownau@Yukari_Kajiwara Ja. The Episcopalians basically became overtly fake and gay, perhaps even 'woke' now. It's a shame. I somehow inherited an Episcopalian hymnal from the 1800s and everything in there is righteous. Seems like many of the more traditional ones converted to Roman Catholicism or Orthodoxy as their church went over the edge and into the dumpster.