#Movuary day 16: Axel F.
In December, I had a goal to cover Harold Faltermire's Axel F for the 40th anniversary of the movie Beverly Hills Cop, which was December 5, 2024, using Ableton Move, so I did that.
Being a product of 1984 myself, it just seemed like a good idea.
At the time I did it, this was the most complicated sequence I had ever done on this little four track groovebox. Don't think that's the case anymore.
It's also a demonstration that you can really do a lot with only four tracks and a little creativity. There are lots of "but it only has four tracks" Move haters out there.
There is absolutely no way I will ever get the sounds exactly right using a tool like this. In this case, I'm aiming for close enough to be recognizable, both in terms of the sound and the sequence.
All sounds were stock, except for the kick and snare drums, which really could have been stock, but I found slightly better versions of those sounds in a sample pack and used them instead of the stock versions.
HQ download: