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Only place on internet where when you respond in a thread where a instance owner is tagged you are bot spammed with 20 messages with schizo ramblings, and pointing it out you are accused of harassing the dude. Even if you have never talked or directed anything at said account for at least 1 year. Such is the autism of pete
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@dj @BasedLunatic >He gets big mad
He makes fun of them*
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He gets big mad if you tag him and the nice guys too. You have to really tap dance on eggshells around here. That's why I rarely post anymore because when I do it turns my blockbot into a tp dispenser on crack.
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@dj all the enemies I have on here is because I disagreed with the language used when banning Dutch from decayable. Because he was having a psychotic meltdown I just pointed out the language from his so called many years friends belittling and humiliating him wasn’t appropriate. Irony is he is friends with all of those guys still and I am the bad guy. Really a lesson in human nature
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Yeah, Dutch is ok even if he doesn't like me but I wouldn't stick my neck out for him when he goes nuclear. Best to just let him melt down on his own and let the radiation evaporate.