hey. so. our instance is known for promoting mutual aid posts. we're proud of that and think it's wonderful how fedi can be so supportive of each other.
please do not tag a bunch of us specifically, either in identical posts or one big post, asking for us to promote your mutual aid post. it puts us in the very unpleasant position of having to try to figure out whether or not youre a spambot, when we would really prefer to stick to our values of helping and implicitly trusting those in need.
i dread the eventual day we're wrong about someone in this way and end up suspending them when they truly need help. we will always happily boost from the #MutualAid tag; reaching out individually pretty much guarantees no response. and other instances will likely err on the side of spambot without hesitation, cutting you off from help.
basically, we want to help you as much as we can. we assume good faith from all of you. but when you mimic a spambot, youll be mistaken for a spambot and ignored.