"A referendum on this subject is one of the most sinister and dangerous ideas I have ever heard for this reason: what do you think the result would have been if, at the height of Covid hysteria, a referendum was called with the question, "should the Covid vaccine be mandated for everyone?"
Whilst millions would have voted no, the majority would almost certainly have voted yes. Then the state would have had a mandate to vaccinate us all by force.
This is why I am against direct democracy (e.g., the public voting on every important political issue by referendum): because the mainstream media is too powerful, and can too easily manipulate people into voting as it desires."
Of course capital punishment has been on the bingo card for 5 years! They introduced MAID and coerced jabs but they require "treasonous" executions for the rest of us, you know, the treason of disagreeing with the facts and logic of your own military running bio and psyops against its own population.