People are shocked at how quickly many US companies dropped their diversity, equity, and inclusion policies. They shouldn't be.
Corporations like (US) Target and McDonald's were never "woke".
There was no deep commitment to end racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic discrimination in their workplaces.
Just take a look at the official bios of the boards and executives of these corporations.
Still overwhelmingly intergenerationally wealthy. Overwhelmingly white. Overwhelmingly male.
Black Americans are around 14% of the US population. Just 8 Fortune 500 CEOs—1.6%—are Black:
The millionaire (usually white) CEOs who run corporations, and the intergenerationally wealthy billionaires who own them, didn't suddenly develop a sense of an enlightened self-interest.
It was all just for show.
It was always just for show.
It was always public relations propaganda.
No, they don't want meritocracy. And the opposite of DEI isn't meritocracy. The opposite of DEI is prejudice, nepotism, and cronyism.
As soon as they thought they could get away with it, they switched back.
Because prejudice, nepotism, and cronyism works well for the ruling class.
Corporations are not your friend.
Corporations are not your ally.
Corporations exist to extend the power and wealth of the ruling class.