Financial news outlets are starting to report on how USAID shutdown is BAD for US farms.
Financial news outlets are starting to report on how USAID shutdown is BAD for US farms.
USAID isn't purely foreign aid. It's also a crop price support program!
When US farmers overproduce crops (which we often do), the gov't buys up the extra & exports it as aid.
That's USAID.
Without USAID, we get gluts. WAY too much corn, soy, etc. Prices crash. Makes farmers sad and/or broke.
Now check out what crop prices have been doing the last 3 years
and tell me how you think the farm lobby is gonna feel about losing the "buy up gluts to prevent price crashes" program lmao
Farmers are feeling the hit already.
"Planned grain sales for Food for Progress alone in January and February totaled about 315,000 metric tons, worth $150 million, said one source familiar with the program contracts."
That's $150M that farmers won't get paid now.
Just from *one* USAID program being shut down.
But wait! There's more!
That also means 315,000 tons of grain that was gonna be exported. But now it'll stay in the US & push prices down for ALL THE REST OF THE GRAIN IN THE US.
That's why the farm lobby is a HUGE fan of USAID.
For another peek, here's a letter from the soy, dairy, sugar, and peanut lobbies, and the entire nat'l council of farm co-ops
begging Congress to add $200M to the USAID budget.
To be clear, I'm not writing this out of pity for the US farm lobby.
The first thing Trump did in 2016 was axe TPP- a trade deal the US farm lobby'd worked on for years. He cost farmers billions.
The farm lobby knew exactly what a 2nd Trump admin would be like & they said ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ we'll risk it!
There's also a lot to be said for how USAID often works more like crop dumping. It solves hunger in the short term. But in the long term, it can depress a countries' farm economy & make hunger worse.
I'm just saying. Some Big Farm Policy Decisions are being made here by a guy whose pickup trucks can't even handle mud
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