"You just want everyone to be poor and miserable!" is what capitalism apologists say (with zero sense of irony). Nope, they're either uninformed or lying--and I seriously urge you to go with "lying" as the default, in order to reduce the potential for mischief by bad actors.
"Empirical research points therefore to an important conundrum. On the one hand, high-income countries achieve high levels of human wellbeing but significantly overshoot their fair share of planetary boundaries. The level of resource use of these high-income countries cannot be universalised. On the other hand, despite a decline in the amount of energy required to achieve human development goals, modelling decent living standards for all within planetary boundaries shows that, under existing conditions, there is very little room for excess or for inequality.
This research has led to a shift of attention towards alternative provisioning systems and the types of distributional dynamics that could radically change current relationships between resource use and human wellbeing... A recent review of industrial transformation models and scenarios found that combined supply-side and demand-side measures could reduce current economy-wide material use by 56%, energy use by 40–60%, and greenhouse gas emissions by 70% to net zero."