I've released Magit v4.3.0 and am happy to report that this is the sixth monthly release since I started doing monthly releases six months ago. :birthdaymsn: https://github.com/magit/magit/discussions/5305
For the most part I only gain new maintainers when I add such a request to an announcement. During the quite phases I lose sponsors and while a few new sponsors join during the off-season, it's always fewer than those that stop.
In the past when I did BIG releases, those resulted in many new supporters. I haven't quite figured out how to adjust to that, now that I release more often, but since this is the biggest of these monthly releases, I figured it's reasonable to take the opportunity to ask for support from users who have not sponsored me before.
Thanks for your support (whether on going, past, or you just started)! It means a lot!.
@tarsius I don't know if you do this already, but maybe since you release more frequently you should have a monthly news post talking about the most recent changes and use that to promote Sponsors.
Also consider having a newsletter people can subscribe to so they can receive those news in their inbox