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Worry not friends I found it
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@GoodBoyUV Everyone always mispronounces "thal" it means valley in German. It's a well known fact that Ashkenazis have more diseases than others.
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They inbreed with their fucking cousins dude. Evidently you don't know much about jews lol.
It is VERY disgusting.
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It's due to inbreeding mostly. They always want to marry another jew to keep their money and power "in the family" so to speak. And I'm fine with that too because it means less non-jews marrying jews.
Several biology/medical books actually make note of it as well. It's kinda funny that they almost never mention why it is that way though.
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@GabeLakmann @UnityOstara @GoodBoyUV I don't know, while jews are the most inbred peopl, it's mostly because their culture essentially gives them a motive to covet their own women by jewishness being matrilineal. Don't we want each ethnos to also covet their own women? Is the problem that they have had a much smaller and isolated gene pool throughout history or that their reasons are legalistic rather than a genuine desire, causing them to choose any jewess available with little regard for relation?
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@GabeLakmann @kuon @GoodBoyUV You do know Pakistan is a made up word, right? They took the initials out of the Islamic parts of British India and made up a country.
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@GabeLakmann @GoodBoyUV @UnityOstara I do think there's ALSO a significant, ethnocentric reason that jews tend to stick with other jews. I also think the need to keep wealth within the extended family is a less ubiquitous factor in their incestuous behavior than is being let on, but those intrafamily political marriages absolutely happen, and basically prove that these jewish families are our modern aristocracy.
And I think you're kind of wrong, there. I'm sure Muslims are inbred too, but I don't think they're more inbred than nomadic outsider nations in general.
I also think the cliche of White southerners being cousin-fuckers is jewish projection, but I don't think that statement will be found nearly as contentious.
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Agree with most of it except the fact that muslims pretty much are nomadic outsider nations, especially the ones who inbreed. They usually come from the smaller muslims populations like pakistan and such, not so much Iran and the others.
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@GabeLakmann @GoodBoyUV @UnityOstara Did I say they didn't? Insular, nomadic people have shallow gene pools. it's not like jews culturally have a specific cousin-fucking fetish. Both Romani and Irish Travellers also suffer from inbreeding.
jews DO have a specific fetish for fucking their mothers, however.
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Well the way you phrased it sounded like you just thought that they wanted to stick with other jews like how we talk about marrying another White except in their case they literally keep it within families and marry cousins if not closer relatives so they can maintain power while Whites make sure to NOT do that.
The fact that there are only 12 million or so worldwide makes their gene pool even shallower and when combined with the fact that they have shit genes to begin with you see what happens. The only other group close to being as inbred as jews are certain groups of muslims and they're the ones who get all the media attention since jews want to divert attention away from their inbreeding.
Both groups have cost the Whites and Europeans a lot of money because of having to pay for their inbred trash genes that shouldn't exist to begin with.
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@UnityOstara @GabeLakmann @kuon @GoodBoyUV >The name Pakistan was coined by Choudhry Rahmat Ali, a Pakistan Movement activist, who in January 1933 first published it (originally as "Pakstan") in a pamphlet Now or Never, using it as an acronym. Rahmat Ali explained: "It is composed of letters taken from the names of all our homelands, Indian and Asian, Panjab, Afghania, Kashmir, Sindh, and Baluchistan." He added, "Pakistan is both a Persian and Urdu word... It means the land of the Paks, the spiritually pure and clean
Lol Chudry Ali