I feel like all I can do is laugh at the last week of insanity.
I had a few work demos due at the end of the week. I've already been putting these off because recording demos caused me an unreasonable amount of stress due to having no easy way to edit them and thinking myself into a hole. Thanks to mastodon, I discovered LosslessCut, and I have to first say that this little tool has been amazing and has saved me immeasurable time and stress. I can finally do basic edits to my videos instead of just sending in a fumbling mess.
So I got a few demos done on my iPhone and was able to cut out the fumbling bits and submit them. Great!
Then, as I was gearing up to record the remaining demos on Wednesday, my mother's car broke down and she needed to come to my apartment so she could stay in a place where you can actually function without a car. That's my private recording space gone.
I should have had them done on Friday. But my mother decided to stay until Saturday. Then Sunday. I got plenty of recording done, but it just wasn't enough.
Today she left, and I tried to do the final recordings on Windows.
Game Bar (which is the default screen recorder for Windows) absolutely refused to work on either of my machines. On my Windows 10 laptop it recorded incredibly choppy audio. On my Windows 11 Surface, it gave me a cryptic error.
So I thought, "Why don't I just join Zoom and record myself? That should work, right?"
It did work, but it kept popping up alerts telling me I was muted, and those would steal keyboard focus. Because I wasn't recording my own microphone audio, I didn't want to be unmuted, so I just dealt with the obnoxious popups and edited them out with LosslessCut.
Then I did a few demos where I actually did need to be unmuted, and after hunting for the "Original Sound" option, I realized I couldn't turn it on while sharing my screen, so had to un-share it, turn it on, and re-share. Annoying, but fine.
Finally, I got done with all the rest of my Windows demos, looked at the file size, and realized they were all under 10 MB.
So I called Aira. Sure enough, blank video. Absolutely nothing there. MP4 files with only audio on them.
At this point, I just want to collapse on the floor, but I did something I should've done years ago and installed OBS. It took me 5 minutes to figure out how to make it record my microphone and system audio simultaneously, another 5 minutes to set up some hotkeys, and then I was finally, finally able to record my demos. Bonus: They were in MKV, so even though they do have video, they're still tiny.
I am so many kinds of done with today. Which is timely, because it's tomorrow.
Happy fucking Monday, world.