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im making a pinned post with all my alts cause i dont like it in my bio
me being on a Instance Does not equal to endorsement i have alts in instances that i hate very much (freezed by big wetdry world)
@authenyo (banned for 0 reason i still dont know why they did this) (deleted)
@a (deleted)
@authenyo (inactive)
@authenyo (banned because owner woke up one day and realized they dont like me lmao) (lmao) (banned because owner doesnt like the fact that i say nigga without a content warning??? ok cracker i guess)
@authenyo (also inactive) (rip)
@authen (rip)
@drake (trolling, banned :( Give me back my account kirby)
@iris (private/spam)
@mysteriousbrazillianip (mysterious brazillian ip enters your server)
@authenyo :shranielstevens: