>Adeyemi — a reactionary who wants gays to go to Hell
Even his liberal opponents don't seriously believe that he WANTS homosexuals to go to hell - no Catholic Traditionalist wishes for people struggling with disordered homosexual desires to go to Hell, and most of them probably don't even *want* to see active homosexuals go there. It's not about what they personally want - it's about the fact that they believe the Bible (and it's the straightforward, common sense interpretation, not some some spiteful twisting of the text) teaches that homosexual acts are deeply Sinful. This does not mean they take pleasure in homosexuals damning themselves, quite the contrary - they believe it's their obligations to give the gays fair warning about the fate that awaits them, should they not repent.
FFS, this is like saying that Dr. Now from My 600-lb Life WANTS morbidly obese people to die an early death.
But, obviously the TLDR is, that the trope itself was, that a woman, who is feminine, kind and quirky enough to improve lives of her friends by her presence is an "unrealistic and dehumanizing trope" according to the left. Because no kind women could ever exist, right?
@LukeAlmighty There are few things feminists and leftists hate more than men actually expecting something of women, rather than simply celebrating them for existing.