On this logic your an insurrectionist for arguing against Trumps reign ... I didn't vote for Trump either, but left wing radicalism isn't the answer. Democrats and Republicans are more or less one and the same. You can argue different things, but at the end of the day the policies of the opposition more often than not that were criticized don't even change.
Democratics kept horrible Trump era immigration policies at the boarder after having attacked him over legitimately bad policies. When one Democratic was elected she said 'I didn't mean that' in response to being questioned on why the boarder wasn't being opened. Presumably a libertarian called her out on it.
We can go on and on. Trump implemented economically devastating tariffs that stole about 13% out of each Americans pocket. It started at 25% and went up to 50%. Before Trump left office he got rid of the Tariffs. What did Joe Biden do upon getting elected? He reinstituted the Trump era tariffs.
I'm no fan of the government period, but the left and right are both a bunch of big government socialists. It is time to put and end to ALL government programs and stop funding special interests in the name of security theater / 'safety' / etc.
When every ones money goes twice as far you don't need programs to subsides the poor. The stupid and the rich are no longer given incentives to build in places that aren't economically feasible like flood zones along the Mississippi, the coastlines, large parts of Florida, California, etc. This does not mean you can't get or afford insurance, but rather you have to make a call as to whether it makes economic sense to build or purchase in high risk areas. For most of us it doesn't and for those it does they get to bear