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@Fullmetal2255 In reality;
>Using GNU/Linux-libre in front of classmates.
>Teacher says; "Ok students, now open photoshop".
>I sign - this school is meant to teach the students an education, not teach them to surrender their freedom without thinking, and M-! gimp.
>Everyone else is having troubling launching it and it refuses to work on several computers and demands a "license login".
>A girl next to me asks me what it is - I tell her that's it's the GNU Image Manipulation Program that respects the users freedom.
>She asks me about how much it costs - I tell her that it's gratis, but that's of lesser importance than how it's free.
>Finally, 15 minutes later everyone with issues have changed computers and logged in.
>The teacher says "Ok class, now used the shape tool to draw a circle!".
>Ellipse Tool (e), draw circle, Edit -> Stroke Selection
>Adobe's proprietary goons are waiting for me in the parking lot after school, but I am ready and cave their proprietary skulls in with my GNUbooted thinkpad.
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@Suiseiseki @Fullmetal2255 In my CS classes it was unironically like this. No surprises there of course, while everyone was fighting their machines because winblows blows I had already completed the assignments