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You know in narratives like books and movies where the
hostage-taker or otherwise bad guy uses this logic where he blames
the associates of his victim for what's about to happen to them?
"You chose this. You chose this by not complying with my demands."
It is not the antagonist that is killing/torturing the victim, it is the
associates of the victim that won't comply with the antagonists
(by the logic of the antagonist)
Ok now I am going to talk about Democrats... (and the liberal hostage-takers)
This is me thinking about what happens if there is no Democratic
primary in 4 years. Or if Democrats shut down a progressive
choice. I'm not gonna be hearing this hostage-taker Democrat "vote for us"
Por ejemplo!, say Rashida Tlaib got really popular and the DNC did
some shady shit and swapped in Buttigieg.
In that scenario I am not voting for Buttigieg.
Because liberals will forget. They will wake up in four years
and act like it's a democracy. When it's not.
It's the DNC feeding you a shit sandwich and convincing you
it was a choice.
So liberals don't forget, and don't let your party pull shady shit.
That is your homework.