You've probably heard that "we are stardust," but this graphic breaks it down further & tells you what kind of stars your dust came from--and which elements didn't come from stars at all.
A neutron star merger produces a black hole, but also a significant amount of ejected matter. We know that a lot of stuff must be shot out because astronomers can see radiation from this material, which is observed as a kilonova.
Plutonium-244 has a long enough half-life that it has been found in cosmic dust, generally thought to be from supernova remnants. It's been used in attempts to determine the chronology of seabed sediment deposition. As far as practical chemistry is concerned, however, it's strictly a man-made element.
@coreyspowell I thought they discovered plutonium in New Hampshire pitchblende because of U238 getting the occasional neutron; did they see Pu in the spectrum of some astrophysical object? I can't see very much getting here from a neutron star collision
@coreyspowell With this graphic, I just realized that over half that atoms (by count, not by weight) that make you up are not star dust, but from the big bang (hydrogen). (~50% water by weight, 2/3rds of that is hydrogen, remaining 50% is unlikely to match the same number of oxygen atoms)
@Codeschubse@coreyspowell I say aluminium because that's what I grew up saying, but: platinum, molybdenum, lanthanum. There are two conventions and picking one is arbitrary, even if one is dominant.
The British coiner of the word picked -um and the British, US and global chemical communities switched it to -ium, only to be thwarted by *shakes fist* Weeebsteeer.
@coreyspowell Of you write Aluminum, you also have to write Uranum, Plutonum and Americum, or the rest of the world will rightfully ridicule you. At least be consistent.